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Why Do You Put Salt on Candles? Exploring the Benefits and Techniques

Why Do You Put Salt on Candles? Exploring the Benefits and Techniques

Introduction to Why Do You Put Salt on Candles?

Have you ever wondered why some people sprinkle salt on their candles? This intriguing practice has both scientific and traditional roots, offering a range of benefits from extending the life of your candles to enhancing their aesthetic appeal. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the reasons behind adding salt to candles, how it works, and the best methods to incorporate this simple yet effective technique into your candle care routine.

Key Takeaways

  • Extends Burn Time: Sprinkling salt on candles can help them burn more slowly and evenly, making them last longer.
  • Reduces Soot and Smoke: Salt can reduce the production of soot and smoke, leading to a cleaner burn.
  • Enhances Ambiance: Adding salt can create a sparkling effect and improve the overall aesthetic of your candle.
  • Easy to Apply: The technique is simple and requires only a small amount of salt, making it an accessible way to enhance your candles.
  • Based on Tradition and Science: This practice combines age-old traditions with scientific principles to improve candle performance.

The Science Behind Salt and Candle Burn Time

Understanding why salt affects candles involves a bit of basic chemistry. Here’s how it works:

Slows Down the Melting Process

When salt is added to the molten wax around the wick, it can lower the melting point of the wax. This means that the wax near the wick melts at a slightly higher temperature than it would without the salt, which slows down the overall burning process. As a result, the candle burns more slowly and lasts longer.

Reduces Wick Mushrooming

Wick mushrooming, where the wick develops a carbon buildup that can cause excess smoke and soot, can be minimized by adding salt. The salt helps to regulate the combustion process, preventing the wick from burning too quickly and reducing the formation of soot and smoke.

Enhances the Flame Stability

Salt can contribute to a more stable flame. By reducing the irregular melting and burning of the wax, the flame remains steady, which can be particularly beneficial for candles used in decorative or ceremonial settings where a consistent flame is desirable.

Traditional and Aesthetic Benefits of Adding Salt to Candles

Beyond the scientific reasons, adding salt to candles also has roots in traditional practices and offers aesthetic advantages:

Historical and Cultural Practices

In various cultures, salt has been used in rituals and practices involving candles. It’s often associated with purification and protection, making it a common addition in religious and spiritual settings. Salt’s purifying properties are believed to enhance the spiritual effectiveness of candle use in these contexts.

Creating a Sparkling Effect

Salt can add a visual appeal to your candles. When the salt crystals heat up, they can create a gentle sparkle or shimmer effect in the flame. This is particularly beautiful in darker settings or when using candles as part of a decorative display.

How to Add Salt to Your Candles: Step-by-Step Guide

Adding salt to candles is a simple process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Choose Your Candle

Select a candle that you wish to enhance. This technique works well with both new and partially used candles. Make sure the candle is clean and free from excess wax buildup around the wick area.

2. Prepare the Salt

Use regular table salt or fine sea salt. Avoid using coarse or rock salt as they might not melt as effectively and could interfere with the candle’s burn. You only need a small amount—usually about half a teaspoon per candle.

3. Sprinkle the Salt

Gently sprinkle the salt onto the melted wax around the wick. If the candle is new and the wax is solid, light the candle and let it burn for a few minutes until a small pool of liquid wax forms. Then add the salt to this liquid wax.

4. Distribute Evenly

Using a toothpick or a small tool, gently stir the salt into the melted wax to help it dissolve and spread evenly around the wick area. Be careful not to disturb the wick’s position.

5. Observe the Burn

Allow the candle to burn normally. You should notice a slower burn rate and a reduction in soot and smoke. The flame may also appear steadier and more stable.

Safety Tips for Using Salt with Candles

While adding salt to candles is generally safe, it’s important to follow some basic safety precautions to ensure a positive experience:

  • Use Heat-Safe Containers: Ensure that the candle is in a heat-safe container or holder to prevent any risk of the melted wax spilling over and causing a fire hazard.
  • Monitor Burning Candles: Never leave a candle unattended, especially when trying new techniques like adding salt. Always extinguish the flame before leaving the room or going to bed.
  • Keep Away from Flammable Materials: Place your candle away from flammable objects and materials to prevent accidental fires.
  • Trim the Wick: Regularly trim the wick to about 1/4 inch to maintain a steady flame and reduce the production of smoke and soot.

Alternative Uses of Salt with Candles

Beyond adding salt to the candle wax, salt can also be used in other ways to enhance your candle experience:

Decorative Salt Rings

Creating a ring of salt around the base of a candle can add an aesthetic touch and also serve to catch any dripping wax. This is particularly useful for pillar candles or candles without holders.

Salt Bed for Candle Placement

Placing candles in a shallow dish filled with salt can provide a stable base and prevent them from tipping over. This method also adds a decorative element, especially when using colored salts.

Enhancing Candle Scents

Combining salt with essential oils can create a fragrant environment. Sprinkle a small amount of scented salt around the base of the candle for an added layer of aroma as the candle burns.


Adding salt to candles is a time-honored practice that enhances both their performance and aesthetic appeal. By understanding the scientific and traditional benefits of using salt, you can extend the life of your candles, reduce unwanted soot and smoke, and create a more enjoyable ambiance. Whether for practical purposes or to add a decorative touch, incorporating salt into your candle routine is a simple yet effective way to elevate your candle experience.

For more innovative candle solutions and high-quality candle sand, explore our Pearled Candle Sand Collection at Atomra, perfect for creating unique and beautiful candles.


Why do people put salt on candles?

People put salt on candles to slow down the burning process, reduce soot and smoke, and enhance the aesthetic appeal with a sparkling effect. Salt can also help stabilize the flame and is often used in traditional practices for its purifying properties.

Does salt make candles burn longer?

Yes, adding salt to the melted wax around the wick can help candles burn more slowly and evenly, effectively extending their burn time.

What type of salt should I use on candles?

Regular table salt or fine sea salt is ideal for use with candles. Coarse or rock salt may not dissolve as effectively and could interfere with the candle’s burn.

Can I use salt with any type of candle?

Salt can be used with most types of candles, including pillar, votive, and jar candles. Ensure the candle is in a heat-safe container and follow safety precautions when adding salt.

Is it safe to put salt on candles?

Adding a small amount of salt to candles is generally safe. However, it’s important to monitor the candle while it’s burning and follow basic safety guidelines to prevent any risks.